Friday, March 09, 2007

Interview number 3!

I have a 3rd interview set up with a company I submitted my resume to about a week ago. I'm very excited about this possibility and I really think this job would be an excellent fit for me. It's in HR (which I like) and it's for a medium sized company so there's growth potential. Don't know anything about the pay scale yet but I do know they have great benefits so that's good. It would be nice to have health insurance again. I'm hoping they'll offer me at least $17 an hour. That would be enough to get by and still be able to have a life.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!


Ougrad said...


Congrats on the job interview. If I may offer- one of the things my ex-bf taught me was to recognize my value and ask for it. I did this with my last job and they agreed with my salary requirements - no questions asked. I am making so much more than I ever thought I would be at 27, which I'm grateful for now that I'm having to pay for my mortgage and all of my bills on my own!
Good luck, and please keep me posted.

Queen Karana said...

Yay for health insurance!
Yay for job interviews!
I wish you the best of luck.